Now within that same line you have 5 guy jeenz, 2 shirts, 1 jacket, 1 hoodie, and a muscle shirt lets say for now. For every design, you would have to get 1000 pieces produced for each design , so we have a total of 20 designs times 1000 pieces, which by the way would vary price depending on where you got them produced. Lets just say you got them produced, that would be 20, 000 pieces all varying in production cost. The items with the least amount of detail would be cheapest and the items with the most detail would be the most expensive. There's a misconception aboout how much product cost per piece when they are outsourced versus being produced here in the U.S, some believe that a garment is produced for 50 cents or a dollar per piece, in which they are wrong! Maybe that was the case years ago, but not anymore, International laws are enforced and there are strict penalties involved. Any company found in non compliance can and will be be fined a hefty fee, any where from 10,000 to 50,000 dollars, any way that's another story i would cover, but back to these #'s you these 20 garments and you have get a minimum of 20,000 pieces produced, here come the #'s. Let's say all of the denim products went for 15.00 to 25.00 each, shirts were 10 to 13 each, hoodies were 20.00 each, jackets were 25.00, the blouse's were 12.00 each and the 2 dress;'s were 25.00 each. How much is that? Let's do the ,math
15,000 just for the women bottoms
125.000 for the guy bottoms
60.000 for all of the shirts
20.000 for the hoodies
25.000 for the jackets
50.000 for the dress's
That's 295,000 dollars
which comes out of your pocket!
Continue to part3
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