Hood Illustrated

Covid 21 was made by Pablo Sanchez and produced by playwithkey Pablo and keys have worked together and has plenty of hits keys made the beat in 25 minutes and Pablo recorded the song in less than 20 minutes and it’s one of the hottest song on the planet right now!!

Darious Wiggins known professionally as Pablo Sanchez was born to Joyce Collins and Eric Wiggins on June 19, 1994. Born and raised in Columbus, OH, Pablo has always had big dreams of making a rap career for himself.  Growing up, he watched his father rap, so he knew at a young age music was in his blood. Pablo was not always known as Pablo Sanchez. In fact, people who know Pablo personally, know him as Debo. The childhood nickname was given to Pablo by his older cousin Ben, due to Pablo’s fixation with the movie “Friday”. Pablo was also known for his tough demeanor, so the nickname Debo just stuck. The rap name “Pablo Sanchez” originated from a run in with the cops, where he discovered his identify had been stolen by a Mexican man, whose real name was Pablo. During this interaction, Debo was threatened that he was going to be deported, only for the cops to realize it was a mistake. At this time, Debo’s love for music began to resurface, so the rap name Pablo Sanchez seemed fitting.

Growing up on the southside of Columbus, Pablo loved to play football. In fact, football always seemed to be Pablo’s golden ticket out the hood. However, everything took a back seat when his life was tossed upside down, with the loss of his mother at the young age of 10. Pablo and his three sisters were bounced around, forcing them to grow up fast and heavy in the streets. It wasn’t until his Aunt Ann and Grandmother took both him and his younger sister in, giving them stability.

Pablo began rapping again in the 7th grade with his childhood friends, DeLano and B in his aunt’s garage. DeLano was the person who saw the talent in Pablo and encouraged him to rap at a young age and B purchased the first laptop for the studio. Pablo began to take his rap career serious when grandmother and high school sweetheart purchased his first microphone, and studio equipment in 2011. After graduating high school, Pablo took a few wrong turns from selling drugs, to robbing people, to being kicked out of college to going to jail. He knew he had to make a change and start moving different. He started working consistently, making money and putting in work with his music. He dropped his first mixtape, Eat or Starve in the summer of 2012 and by fall of the same year he releases Eat of Starve 2 in November.

Pablo returned to music in 2016, with the drop of his mixtape “Pablo the Perfector”. Since his return, Pablo has dropped multiple videos including “Nevermind Me”, “Darious”, “Kartelz $hit”, and most recently “Settle”. Pablo Sanchez has multiple hits currently brewing, and big plans for the release of his next mixtape “The Kure” with his highlighted feature “Covid 21”. Pablo Sanchez’s flow, delivery and versatility will take him far in this industry. He creates music that uplifts people and motivates others who came from the same struggle. To music for the streets, down to the sexy music for the ladies, to bop music that makes you want to dance. Keep a look out for this upcoming artist!


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