Hood Illustrated

What is your name and what city do you rep?

I go by the name of Beach Boii & I’m from West Palm Beach, Florida.

What is unique about you and your music?

I make music as an expression of where I want to be mentally. I always try to place myself somewhere that is a mental happy place for me. I have my inner struggles. I just choose to mask it & touch people with making sounds that makes them feel like they are escaping their reality. Eventually as time goes on, I will start opening up more about my personal life through strictly music.

What shaped your music? 

My carribean household upbringing, along with my friends & environment. I was always in love with dancehall music & general island vibes. In 2015 I started playing around with the genre with my Producer/Mentor Phe. I eventually got the hang of how to do it but I just wanted it to be able to hit the mainstream. Eventually it did, but I still feel like I have a flavor that hasn’t been tasted by the masses yet.

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally? 

I released a song in 2016 called “Fantasy”. The response was crazy especially locally, because it was something new and refreshing. It played on radio and went “viral” in it’s own right. I dropped out of college when I was driving home and heard my music playing on the radio. I just thought, yo I can always go back to college if this doesn’t work out, but I won’t ever be 21 again.

What type of music do you listen to? 

I listen to a bit of everything. Hip hop, r&b, Pop, dancehall/reggae, Edm. Having open ears gives your more range as an artist.

Who, to you, is the most undervalued music artist? 

In all honesty, 50 Cent. He forever changed the history of how we as artist release music, promote it and even how we make it. He also Broke the barriers between business & the streets. 50 gave a lot of us hope that we too can come from nothing, be hated, blackballed and still take over the game.

You recently did a sold out tour in Israel, tell us about that experience:

It was life changing. To see all my fans come out to see me in 3 different cities, show so much love and sing EVERY song word for word... I was taken back. I never had any clue that my music would touch that side of the world, the people there treated me like royalty of their own. I will forever have a special place in my heart for Israel.

How do you prepare for your performances? 

I drink hennessy, go over the set with my DJ and pray we don’t get booed. 

What ignites your (song) writing flow? 

Usually going through a tough time, losing it all and trying to gain it back. I’m my best when I’m under pressure but willing to fight it.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about? 

Nothing. Music is my whole life. But as far as other things I give my attention too, nothing much really besides what the average man my age does. Music just tookover my whole life.

Success to you is… 

Being able to take care of my loved ones, travel the world, and make memories while doing what I love. I was never one to put a number on what success is, as long as I’m able to do all of that confortably it won’t matter wether I’m worth $5 million or $50 million.

What do you wish you were told when you first started rapping that you think would help artists starting out? 

1. That you will have highs and lows. 
2. People will turn their back on you.
3. Trust nobody.
4. Some people are only “helping” you to gain something.
5. Stack your money up & understand the business, because this game is expensive. Artists don’t get paid that well for no reason.

Any upcoming projects? 

I have a couple of new tracks coming. One with WBT Empire who I did my hit song “Rude” with. And some suprise features. Also working on my new EP & some music videos. Going back on tour Beginning of 2019 so just preparing new content.

Where do we find you and your music?

You can find me on 
And my music on, Apple/itunes, Spotify, Youtube & Soundcloud

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Mug Shot: KC - Publisher

Meet the CEO - KC HOOD ... Contact us for your business and music promotion on IG @HOODIllustrated 


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