Hood Illustrated

AG Da Gift - "Name and Number" ft. Mike Mike

Ag Da Gift, born as Alexander Agee in Milwaukee, WI grew up heavily interested in the arts. He went to Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts, where he studied all areas but music was the one that he stuck with. That is where his musical journey began. He also has an entrepreneurial spirit. Always trying to find a way to make money off of his talents. 


As his journey progressed he got hold of a program called fruity loops and started making beats and recording music in his bedroom. Ag’s older sister decide to take on the role of being his manager. But Unfortunately his sister passed away in a tragic car accident. This is when AG decided to take music more serious. he wanted to dedicate his journey to her. 


When he graduated from Riverside High School, he went to McNally Smith College of Music St.Paul Minnesota.He also received an Scholarship from legendary rapper Ice Cube. Unfortunately, AG dropped out of school due to Grades and came back home to continue his journey. He came back to Milwaukee and joined his cousin’s label Purple Label. This time period was where he developed his identity as an artist and a producer.  2 years after he came back home. He decided to go back to School. He attented Columbia College, in Chicago Illinois for music business for 3 years. Ag also had to drop out of school again because he was expecting his first kid. 

He is now taking the grass root route this time around. He decided to rebrand and start his own with imprint and called it “Center City”. Which represents the part of the city he is from. (MIDTOWN Area)He decided he was going do everything in house starting with his production recording and merchandise. Center City The Label includes J.Rosco, April May, Dozzi B Marz producers Jeff Brizzle and Serita Campbell.


AG Da  Gift represent being resilient and relentless. He has faced many obstacles in life but that never stops him.If anything it fuels him to work harder and go against the odds. Another thing that pushes Ag to pursue this journey is one of his best friends and biggest supporters (Wati Majeed) died from a seizure in his sleep. He uses that as his new found motivation to continue to pursue music. He is always wants to his losses to wins. He always finds a way to turn tradegy to triumph. 







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