Hood Illustrated

"To The Streets" by 10 Toez Tank and Mainey

Upon first hearing the tune "To The Streets" it made the hair on my arms stand up. There isn't anything better than hearing great music. The stream is more than amazing. The tune would help one to remember genuine rap. Rap started in the Bronx, New York, and Mainey has the ability that would believe he was raised there. "To The Streets" by 10 Toez Tank and Mainey is very much conveyed. Mainey has a superb future in the business. The track is all around delivered and up to this point the DJs love the melody. Please pay attention to the tune and let us in on your viewpoints.

Question and answer with the artist:

How did you start in the music business?
I started in the music business by joining my father during his rehearsal; he was a singer in a band.

How would you describe the music that you typically create?
The music I create is based on my life experiences.

What is the current project about?
The current project I have is based on my life and made to relate to different walks of life. Some songs express struggles of street life, some are spiritual and some are even feel-good songs on relationship topics.

How do you feel it will inspire others?
My music is very inspirational by shedding light on a lot of topics that most rappers seem to glamorize.

What is your creative process like?
When I create I tend to block things around me except the instrumental that plays through the speakers and in my head after a period of repeating play. Instrumentals help make up thoughts and pattern word phrases that fit together like a puzzle.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Kendrick Lamar would be an ideal collaboration.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
J. Cole

What is one message you would give to your fans?
Stay down to come up to make dreams become reality.

What is the most useless talent you have?

No talent is useless unless you don't use it.

Do you sing in the shower?
Yes. What songs? I sometimes recite songs in the shower before recording them to help with memory and delivery. What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career? If it weren't for the music I'd probably be living life trying to find the missing part of me because music is a huge part of my life.

Where have you performed?
I've performed at venues in the Oklahoma City area and the Rogers, Arkansas area as well. What are your favorite and least favorite venues? My favorite venue was when I performed at a quinceanera in Rogers, Arkansas. My least favorite venue was a time when I nor my label members didn't get a chance to perform because the club broke out into a brawl at a club called Deja Vu in Oklahoma City.

Do you have any upcoming shows?
I don't have any upcoming shows but am open to working.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
The internet has made a huge impact on the music business by allowing artists more exposure versus the days of no internet.

What is your favorite song to perform?
My favorite song to perform is Just A Game by Major Factors.

What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
I've served a 15yr prison sentence for drug trafficking and possession of firearms.

What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Put your Creator 1st and everything else will fall in order.

What’s next?
I'm in the process of working on my 3rd solo album produced by N-Doe and I'm also working on a spiritual album.

What should the world know?
Know that's all love when you see my face and know that the music I make is for the world!


For Mainey, music is about destiny, believing that this is truly what he was made for. Oklahoma City Native Mainey is taking inspiration from the golden 90’s era of music, Mainey clearly has a knack for bringing the old school into the modern-day industry, with nostalgic lyricism, smooth flow, and the ability to make a hit out of anything he works on. His latest releases also feature a number of stunning visual accompaniments demonstrating his natural confidence and on-screen charisma. Mainey is easily one of the most exciting talents within the scene, mesmerizing old and new listeners with mesmerizing individuality and artistic expression. Currently working on a number of highly anticipated projects including Street EP Vol.2 “Urban Terrorist” and “To The Streets”. With his popularity growing with each new record, the future looks bright for this undeniable talent.

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