Hood Illustrated

The track relates to my own mental health which has been deteriorating on and off for more than a decade #musimconey chats to @JudeGoldfoster

Where are you from?

I'm from Leeds, United Kingdom and the Anonymous vocalist is from someplace in the USA; I can't say where.

Describe your sound:

My sound is different for each track, sometimes its baroque pop, other times its rap, and then it could be classical piano pieces with strings. On this track we have written an 808 beat with the melody on a stage grand piano. I love the sound of a stage grand; they have such a wide range of emotional expression and it worked really well on this song.

Tell us about your latest track:

The track has been recorded by a rapper who wants to remain anonymous, and I took the role of songwriter in producing the lyrics.

The track relates to my own mental health, which has been deteriorating on and off for more than a decade, being sectioned under the mental health act several times and locked in hospital, and being given injections of strong medication without my consent (something which ordinarily must be given by the patient).

I wanted to share with you this true story about mental health in society, the use of force by Doctors administer strong medicines and allow people who have mental illness to suffer side effects and withdrawal symptoms of medications they are forcibly given, without any agreement to these risks as would ordinarily be the case in other medical treatments and procedures. Human Rights Laws say that people cannot be given medical treatment without consent.

This track highlights this issue, and aims to raise awareness of an unseen side of the Health sector, one which is locked away behind closed doors, is shrouded in confidentiality from the public (to protect the privacy of the patients) and has debatable practices in the administering of forced medical treatment and loss of liberty.

I learned a lot about the issues involved in mental health when reading law for 9 years, so I know this song raises a really important issue about mental health. It is probably the most important issue in the treatment of mental health, and I have first hand experience of what it feels like to be given medication using "hands on" or forcible means against my wishes.

Who inspires you?

There are a lot of inspirations in my life, both musical and also legal. Some inspirational people are renowned Human Rights lawyers, and famous Judges from England and Europe some of whom can get you roaring with laughter, as well have a very serious side. I learned a lot of musical knowledge from the RHCP and studied their songs, which is the way I started learning about music composition and arranging. There are some really talented people out there, really talented, and they deserve admiration for the skills they have developed and perform for you guys.

Where do you see your career in 5 years?

I don't want to jinx anything! Prefer to let life happen rather than chase dreams around in circles.

Where can we check out your sounds?

You can check them out on twitter twitter.com/judegoldforster

Tell us something about yourself that people need to know.

Well it may be clear from this interview that you can see I have a legal background, with interests in Human Rights and Equality. I am also interested in Climate Change and helping people live in a way which is more sustainable for the environment.



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