1.) Realistically speaking, around what age do you think you’d ever retire from making music and why that age?
Hahaha. That's a funny question. Because to be honest, I don’t think I would ever actually retire from
making music. Music is in my heart. It’s how I deliver messages, and express my view of the world.
So the only way I could actually see myself retiring from music is if God, somehow, led in a different
direction that also allowed me to do those same things; while also being just as fulfilling to me as
music is. And at this point in time, that seems like something that’s pretty close to being impossible.
So the safest answer I can give, at this point, is “Never”.
2.) What was the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome thus far in your music career?
Wow, that’s a good question. The biggest obstacle that I’ve overcome so far is really the same as
most other artists… It's the urge to give up. Because once you start telling people that your goal
is to be a music artist. Almost everyone gives you some kind of negative reaction. They’ll say
thing like: “That's just a dream” or, “That only happens to 1 in every million people” or, “Yeah,
but you’ve still gotta have some kind of backup plan”. It's as if they, immediately, don’t think
that you’ll succeed; or don’t want you to succeed. So they put ideas into your head to make
you doubt the path that you’ve been guided to take for yourself. But what most people don’t
understand is that real artists don’t just wake up one day and, all of a sudden, decide that
they want to be an artist. It's actually the opposite... True artistry is something that is a part
of you; that resides deep inside of you your entire life, dying to be expressed. So the mere
fact that you’ve decided to be an artist is, truthfully, your soul calling out; trying ,desperately,
to express itself. So for any fellow artists out there who find themselves in that predicament
where the people around you aren’t believing in you, aren’t supporting you, and don’t want
to see you succeed. Just know that it's all a part of the process. And that all of the naysayers
are meant to become believers through watching you and your journey. So don’t give up.
Stay on your path. And always know that greatness and prosperity lies ahead.
3.) When you were first starting out did you ever think you would one day have people all over the world listening to your music?
Oh, definitely not. When I was first starting out, I could barely get my next door neighbor to listen to
my music. Let alone someone all the way in the UK, or the Middle East. I thought that I was doomed
to be a SoundCloud rapper forever. I thought that my style was too different to gain mainstream
exposure, yet too classic for newer generations to accept me. But what I came to find out was
that all of those negative things were just thoughts in my own mind. And that they didn’t
actually exist, in reality. So then all I had to do was think of all of the positive things that
I wanted to happen instead of all of the negative things that I didn’t want to happen. And,
magically, everything that I wanted to happen came true, in Divine timing. It just took me
focusing on what I truly wanted, and what genuinely makes me happy.
4.) If you are willing to share it with us and give us truly the FIRST scoop; what is something you have in the works that nobody knows about? Even if it’s just an idea.
Without saying too much… right now I’m working on being seen a lot more. As an artist, you’re only
as relevant as yo are seen. So my main focus right now is putting myself in positions where my
supporters can see, hear, and interact with me as much as possible. So that means interviews,
appearances, performances… anything that gives me a chance to deliver my message to the
public. But if you want the REAL scoop, that nobody knows about, then I guess i'll go ahead
and air it out for you hahaha. Right now I’m working on organizing Pop-ups. Where I pop up
at random places and do free performances. Which I’m super excited about. So be on the
lookout for that. Because I might just pop up at a place that’s near you.
5.) How much money do you think is a lot of money?
In my opinion, a lot of money is enough money to take good care of yourself, your responsibilities,
and invest in the life you want to create for the future. Take me for instance… I make a shit ton of
money hahaha. But it’s not because I have millions sitting in a bank account, untouched. It's
because I can already see how what I do have will be used to create what I want to have in the
future. So, to me, the only true difference between having a lot of money and no money at all
is how you plan to build for the future. So, in other words… no amount of money is a lot of
money without the right plan of action to go with it. Because it’s a person’s plan that makes
them rich. Not the money, itself.
6.) What is a non musical goal of yours?
Well, frankly, my non musical goal for today is the same as it is every other day… “Try to take over
the world!!!” Hahaha, just kidding. My main non musical goal is, really, to be a beacon of light: to
spread positive energy to everyone I come in contact with; and to show that being happy and
mentally healthy is actually being “cool" and wealthy. In a big way, I think that society has
taught us that negativity is positive and that positivity is negative. So most people go
through a big part of their lives thinking that putting others through the exact same
pain that they, themselves, feel (or felt in the past) is the same as being happy. Not
knowing that the only way to attract TRUE happiness is to already possess it within
yourself, and exude it outward. That's why broken people can only ever attract
other broken people, and repel healthy, happy people. And it's the same vice
versa. And that’s what I mean by “Mental Health”: people gaining clarity,
perspective, peace, healing, and happiness from within; so that they
don’t feel the need to bring down others in order to feel better about
themselves. To sum it all up, and put it as simply as possible: my goal
is to spread confidence. Pure, authentic, confidence in ones self and
own abilities. Let's spread that like a disease hahaha.
7.) What is one thing you’re most grateful for?
I’m grateful for absolutely everything in life; including each and every one of my supporters. But the
one thing that I’m MOST grateful for is Faith. Faith is what drives me to achieve the impossible. To
get up, and give my all, each and every day. Faith is what lets me know that anything is possible.
Faith is what shows me that whatever I believe will come to reality as long as I truly believe it. And
I’m almost certain that when people are attracted to me, that it’s my Faith that they’re truly attracted
to. Even though I am gorgeous to look at too hahaha. But Faith is everything to me. Faith is the light
at the end of the tunnel that guides me through no matter how difficult or confusing things get. So
I would NEVER EVER go a single day without it.
8.) If someone gave you the above mentioned amount of money, how would you spend it?
Spoiler alert!!! Hahaha. But I would use it to create the future. I would receive the money, and
immediately start thinking of more ways that I can mold the future to be exactly what I want it
to be. So I'd visualize myself at some point in the future, and then start mapping out the steps
I'll take to get there. And the rest is history… literally. There's this mantra that was told to me
by a good friend of mine named Cotton Asia, who owns a spiritual manifestation store in Atlanta,
GA. She named her store after the mantra, calling it “Create To Be Great" Manifestation Store. Which
I think is dope because I truly do believe that to be great in this lifetime; you must be the creator of
something. Even if you’re only the creator of your own reality. So shout out to her. And definitely
check out her store too if you’re ever in the Atlanta area, and you’re into spirituality and
manifestation. Or check it out online at createtobegreat.com.
9.) Where have you been and where do you want to go?
I can answer that question in a few different ways.
In terms of location, I’ve been to every region in the US except the Northern East Coast. I’ve been
to Illinois, of course, since my hometown is Chicago. I've been to Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and that’s pretty much it so far.
And I really want to go to New York, The Bahamas, Jamaica, The Virgin Islands. And outside of the
US to Canada, Dubai, London, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Israel, Japan, and a few
places in the Middle East.
But in terms of my journey… honestly, it feels like I haven’t been anywhere because I still want to see
and do so much. And a journey doesn’t truly start until you decide where you want it to go. So,
truthfully, mine is just beginning. But I see myself traveling to all of the places I just mentioned.
And with a purpose. I see myself growing and thriving and sharing my art, my story, and my
experiences with everyone that I come across. In hopes that they can grow from it, and share
their growth with others too. My aim is to be a catalyst for positive cycles that undo the
negative cycles that we’ve all grown so accustomed to in today’s society. Other than that
… I’m going straight to the stars.
10.) For the young followers out there, do you have any advice? Be it music advice, life advice,
anything you have to offer that you’ve learned in your time on this planet that you think
they’d benefit from knowing.
Man, if there’s anything that I can say to all my young supporters out there, it’s “Be yourself” and
“Be 100% original” at all times. DON'T try to fit in with ANYONE, EVER. Fitting in is for losers. It’s
something people do when they’re afraid to be different, afraid of being judged, afraid of making
waves, and afraid to disrupt the status quo. And the key word is “AFRAID”. NEVER be afraid of
anything, EVER. Especially not of how other people will view you or respond to you. Because fear
will always stop you for stepping out of your comfort zone and into your true light. But you can
never grow while in your comfort zone. So do yourself a favor, and forget comfort altogether.
Because your best life resides outside of it. So if you admire someone, admire them for their
own originality, so that you can both celebrate each other’s. But never aspire to be like anyone.
Only aspire to be the best you, and to harness the same energy that they've harnessed in order
to step into your own, individual, light. Always be a leader, and the creator of your OWN reality.
And NEVER give up on your dreams. I wish you all the best. See you at The Top.
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