Hood Illustrated

Alabama Rising Star Safira Gets 10 Million Views On Instagram And Releases New Single ‘Chicken Titty’

Alabama indie artist Safira recently went viral on Instagram after she posted a video of a chicken breast that looked very strange to her. She received a lot of ridicule for the post but in this day and age it’s true when they say “All publicity is good publicity.” Safira’s post has accumulated 10 million views, 55k likes, and 17k shares. Safira has taken her viral moment as an opportunity to gain new fans and listeners for her music. Since the chicken breast viral video Safira has had noticeable gains in her followers, views, and streams. With all this new found attention, Safira decided to release a new single entitled ‘Chicken Titty’. She is making lemonade out of lemons by releasing a dope track to follow up this viral moment. Safira plans to perform her latest single in her hometown, Montgomery. You can listen to ‘Chicken Titty’ on all digital stream platforms and be on the lookout for the official music video dropping soon. Follow @__itssafira on Instagram and Tik Tok.

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