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(Mixtape) DJ Bad Tha Problem Releases 'Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Vol. 13'

DJ Bad Tha Problem along with Certified Hitz Music Group announce the release of 'Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Volume 13'. The latest mixtape is out now on streaming platforms. Listeners are sure to blare this epic dose of EDM and Hip hop mixes to the max decibels. Also, check out the full, exclusive interview with DJ Bad Tha Problem and connect with him below. 

MJ:  Before we jump into your new mixtape “Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Vol. 13”, tell us what it’s like being a DJ in one of the hottest cities in the country? I know there’s nothing like home base, but do you have other favorite hot spots you DJ at?

DJ Bad Tha Problem: Being a DJ in Florida is a lot of fun compared to being a DJ in my home state NJ. I have had offers to DJ at a few clubs around my city but turned those down to focus on making mixtapes, working with my two artists, building brands and networking, etc.

MJ:  “Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Vol. 13”, what can listeners and fans expect from this mixtape? This is volume 13, shed some light on how you keep fans coming back for more.

DJ Bad Tha Problem: Fans and listeners can expect a lot of certified hitz from “Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Vol. 13”. It is not just your typical EDM tape. If you’re a fan of EDM and Hip Hop, you’ll be getting the best of both worlds, not just on this volume but in the whole “Turn Up Music [EDM Edition]” mixtape series. This mixtape series has by far been the most successful series I’ve ever put together. I have been overwhelmed by the numbers and the support behind this mixtape series. Shout out to all the people who have listened and downloaded any of the previous volumes and shout out to the bootleggers too. I am currently working on the next volume which I should be releasing sometime in 2022 probably in late January or early February.

MJ: Your next show is on January 8th at Karma Sutra Lounge in NYC, please share all that 411!

DJ Bad Tha Problem: January 8th is going to be a spectacular certified event. Me and my artist City The Great will be holding a mixtape/album release party not just for our project “Respectfully Yours”, but for my artist debut album “The Wordsmith” under the legendary Special Ed’s label SEMedia. The event will be held at the Karma Sutra Lounge in NYC, from 7 pm to 2 am. Expect live performances from City The Great and the artists under Certified Nation Ent, great food and drinks, and nothing but good music. DJ Buena Vida and I will be on the 1’s and 2’s. We will be having some surprise celebrity guests at the event. I cannot disclose who will be in attendance, however, If you want to find out you will have to be there for yourself…free entry! I mean who doesn’t like free stuff, am I right? Plus, we will be celebrating my artist’s birthday.

MJ:  You don’t only wear the hat as DJ and CEO, but you’re also a producer and A&R. It’s not uncommon for us to play various roles in the music industry, do you favor one role more than the other? Does one present more challenges than the others?

DJ Bad Tha Problem: I personally don’t favor one role over the other. I enjoy all the roles I play equally. The only role that presents more of a challenge for me is being a producer. The challenge that I have is sitting down and taking time to make my own music from scratch. I have dabbled with making beats for a while now, even gotten my first placement with an indie artist I was working with at the time but haven’t really taken it seriously. I plan on changing that next year. I’ve helped produce other artist’s projects in the past even helped produce some of the tracks on City The Great’s upcoming mixtape  “Respectfully Yours”. And no, I’m not talking about strictly just making beats. There is a big difference between being a beatmaker and a producer. However, I am not just a DJ, CEO, Producer, and A&R. I do pretty much everything by myself and have been for a very long time. From videos, audio engineering,  promoting, building websites, etc., I used to do graphics too but not anymore. I have a main graphic designer now. Shout out to MefDesigns. Doing everything by myself can be challenging, tiring, and sometimes stressful but I love music. I don’t have the time to wait on anyone.

MJ:  Is there anything else you would like to share with the world?

DJ Bad Tha Problem: Expect a lot more mixtape projects from me next year and be on the lookout for City The Great’s mixtape titled “Respectfully Yours” hosted by yours truly, dropping January 8th on all streaming platforms…Turn Up Music [EDM Edition] Vol. 14 is coming real soon as well as Love & R&B Vol. 27. I have a new mixtape series in the works, I am still working out all the details, and I will be bringing back the mixtape series “Definition Of A Hustler” featuring a lot of dope independent artists, so stay tuned and be on the lookout for that!

Connect with DJ Bad Tha Problem

Official Website: https://www.officialdjbadthaproblem.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/djbadthaproblem

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djbadthaproblem/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@djbadthaproblem?lang=en

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAw06FHzXl8x24MwabOsEA

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/djbadthaproblem

Tumblr: https://djbadthaproblem.tumblr.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/certifiedhitzmusicgroup

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